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ATENCIÓ. Tenim problemes amb les paraules accentuades, estem treballant per solucionar-ho.

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Antoni Rovira i Virgili

The university of the southern regions of Catalonia, created by the Parliament of Catalonia in December 1991, bears the name of Antoni Rovira i Virgili, a journalist, writer and politician who was born in Tarragona in 1882, who fled abroad in January 1939 and who died in Perpignan in 1949 as president of the Parliament of Catalonia in exile. Because of his lifelong commitment to society, his powerful and restless intellect and the social and political convictions that led him to great personal sacrifice, the university proudly bears his name as an expression of its guiding values: the defence of democracy, the desire to provide a public service, and social commitment and responsibility.
L’estat catala
Antoni Rovira i Virgili
In Defense of Democracy
Antoni Rovira i Virgili
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